Happy 4th of July! Let’s Celebrate With A $17.76 Sale

1776 =$17.76 Sale On Most Of Our Online Courses Through July 7th

Here we are when our country turned 200 years old. Since America was founded in 1776 we’d like to wish you all a very happy 4th of July. To make this an even more special occasion we are pleased to announce we are offering $17.76 off most of our online courses. This offer is good now through July 7th for the following online courses:

Ultimate Beekeeping Course
Regularly $269 – $17.76 Now Only $251.24
Basic Beekeeping
-Regularly $59 -$17.76 Now Only $41.24
Getting Your Bees Through The Winter
-Regularly $59 -$17.76 Now Only $41.24
Advance Beekeeping
-Regularly $59 -$17.76 Now Only $41.24
The Beginner’s Package
-Regularly $159 -$17.76 Now Only $141.24
How To Raise Your Own Queens
-Regularly $69 -$17.76 Now Only $51.24
Go Ahead, Ask David Anything
Enjoy being mentored by EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, David Burns.
You will be able to email, text, or phone in your questions and speak directly to David. Receive newsletters, videos and podcasts straight to your inbox. Send him pictures, videos or call him when you have a beekeeping question.
Sure YouTube videos may address many questions, but can you always trust the answer? It takes time searching for answers online or in books. Why not just ask David because your bees need your help now!

David is now accepting additional members, click here to join today.
David & Sheri Burns
Long Lane Honey Bee Farms
Fairmount, Illinois

Źródło: Happy 4th of July! Let’s Celebrate With A $17.76 Sale

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