Sromotnik bezwstydny, czyli wszystko, co chcieliście o nim wiedzieć, ale wstydziliście się zapytać

Poza tym, że Joruba w Nigerii używają sromotnika – którego nazywają „domem stonogi” – do sporządzania amuletu zapewniającego niewidzialność w razie niebezpieczeństwa, a Ụkwụànì wyrabiają z niego talizman chroniący przed atakiem magicznym, Phallus impudicus ma jeszcze jedno zastosowanie, które wczoraj przypadkowo udało nam się odkryć: posiada ni mnie ni więcej tylko silne właściwości euforyzujące… Spróbujcie – wystarczy powdychać jego aromat przez dłuższą chwilę, a wniesienie kilku sztuk do domu nawet na kwadrans spowoduje efekt, którym będziecie miło zaskoczeni… 
[The Yoruba people of Nigeria call stinkhorn mushrooms Akufodewa, a combination of the words ku (die), fun (for), ode (hunter), and a (search). The Yoruban name reflects the belief that hunters, smelling the glebal odor in the forest, may mistake the smell for a dead animal and search for it.u Phallus mushrooms are also used by the Yoruba to prepare a charm known as Egbe, which reputedly "has the power of making one invisible in the face of danger." Stinkhorns are also used by the Urhobo and Ibibio people of southeastern Nigeria to prepare "harmful charms". They associate the fungus with the millipede, as is reflected in their names for the mushrooms: the Urhobo call it Uwovwi-rerivwi, from the Urhobo Uwivwi (house), re (of), rivwe (millipede); the Ibido name is Efoketim, from the Ibidio efok (house) and etim (millipede). The Ụkwụànì of Asaba, who associate the stinkhorns with death because of their smell, use the fungus to prepare "harmful charms and charms which confer immunity against evil attacks." They call the mushrooms Oga-egungun, from the Ụkwụànì oga (net or fence) and egungun (dead person).]
[The genus was first mentioned in the literature by the Dutch botanist Hadrianus Junius (1511–1575), who, in 1564 wrote a short book published in Delft on the Phallus in Hollandia, describing a mushroom in the form of a penis. He was not convinced that the organism was fungal in nature:
... I am not sure that our Phallus falls within the class of the fungi. I will not definitely decide to place it there because I do not want to make a judgment before others who know more about the matter. The lightness, however, and looseness of the substance and (a necessary condition for the existence of sponges) the sour sap of the moist earth where it was born, all bear witness that it belongs to the family of the fungi. However, the folds and creases, which do not exist here, but do among fungi, bear witness against it. There is also no trace of the cap that is normally connected to the stalk. Here the hat takes the place of the cap, and it can be removed without damage. Moreover, the site where it lives also argues against it, because this plant can only be found in dunes, and only there where old marram grass grows. Fungi, on the other hand, as stated clearly by authors, live in swampy, dirty, and rotting moist places, such as close to the roots of oak trees.[]

Źródło: Sromotnik bezwstydny, czyli wszystko, co chcieliście o nim wiedzieć, ale wstydziliście się zapytać

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