Pszczoły nie mogą znaleźć drogi do ula
London – Modern pesticides stop bees finding their way back to their hives, scientists have found.
The discovery could help to explain why bee populations around the world are in decline.
Academics at the National Institute of Agricultural Research in Avignon, France, tracked the movements of 650 bees by using tiny tagging devices.
Half the bees were exposed to a low dose of pesticide and when released they were found to be two or three times more likely to die away from their hive.
Meanwhile, researchers at Stirling University found that when bee colonies were exposed to pesticides, they were smaller than those that had not been treated, the journal Science reported.
After six weeks, the bees were up to 12 percent smaller because less food was coming back to their hive. The number of new queens – which go out and found new colonies after winter – decreased by 85 percent.
The pesticides called neo-nicotoinoids are based on nicotine and were introduced in the 1990s.
They contain compounds which are thought to interfere with the bees’ central nervous system, which has an impact on their memory and ability to find their way back home. – Daily Mail

Źródło: Pszczoły nie mogą znaleźć drogi do ula
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