Godzisz (Ottilienberg, 500 m)

Waiting for the Jeep doctors to do their healing, I undertook a little trek up the mount of Godzisz (Ottilienberg, 500 metres), who sits directly west of Jelenia Góra.

curiosity of these parts, very rare in the Izeras and not frequent in Pogórze Izerskie either, the Pinus:


Acer pseudoplatanus:

Quercus robur:
Śnieżka (Schneekoppe) from Godzisz + Quercus and Acer pseudoplatanus:

View of Karkonosze (Riesengebirge) from a rock formation up Godzisz:

Nearing the summit:

On the top, an „FP” stone post that is found frequently around here but no one knows the meaning of:

Time for some rest:


Small bushcraft = smart bushcraft:

Approaching the valley of a stream called Rakownica:

Quercus robur:

Quercus rubra [dąb czerwony]:

Alnus glutinosa:

Qurcus robur:

Źródło: Godzisz (Ottilienberg, 500 m)

Podobne wiadomosci:

  • Sneak Preview: Godzisz (Ottilienberg, 500 m)
  • Godzisz (Ottilienberg, 500 m)
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