Free Shipping On Many Items And Is Learning Beekeeping On Your Own A Bad Idea?

Hey everyone, we are David and Sheri Burns at Long Lane Honey Bee Farms. We started beekeeping 23 years ago and have been running our bee business now for over a decade. It has been so enjoyable. Sheri and I have college degrees and have traveled the world and have ran several other businesses. We’ve worked many jobs, but this one is by far the most fun. Not every married couple can work together like we do, but we love it. The beekeeping community is so great to work with and help.

Is learning beekeeping on your own a bad idea? I like learning things on my own, most of us do. I learned how to play the guitar on my own. It took me a long time and I am nothing like a trained guitarist.  My 11 year old son is taking guitar lessons and he’s already better than me. I have my own style and technique and it works but it is very limiting. Since I taught myself I am missing our on some important techniques. Beekeeping is similar.  You can keep bees and slowly learn beekeeping over time, but there will be key techniques and approaches that you may never develop. With a guitar, you may not really care if you aren’t doing it right, but with your bees, it matters. It’s a huge bummer when they don’t make honey or worse, they die and you’ve wasted your money and time.

We are all thankful that our doctors and pilots not only are highly educated, but are required to intern first before  operating on us or flying us around the world. We know so much more about beekeeping today than we did 50 years ago, even 10 years ago, even last year.  Taking a beekeeping classes and learning how to manage a colony can make a huge difference in not only how well your bees perform, but how much more enjoyable beekeeping can be.

We receive phone calls everyday from people around the country who want us to explain beekeeping over the phone. Their intentions are good, but unrealistic. We’ve spent years perfecting our beekeeping presentations so that we provide the most important information in the least amount of time. The mind can only absorb what the seat can endure. Some beekeeping instructors will bore you with historical facts and fail to explain crucial feeding techniques or chemical free mite reduction.

Very few beekeepers understand the importance of feeding bees in the winter, for example. We’ve gone to great lengths to study bees in the winter, and have discovered how to provide the nutrition they need in our Winter-Bee-Kinds.  Most beekeeper think their bees died for cold temperatures. Not true. If you’ve never tried our winter feeding system, click here to learn more.

Once again, we will be teaching our 2019 beekeeping classes and they are online now. Our classes fill us very fast. We keep them small so we can provide a more personal teaching approach. Because we keep them small, we must warn you that our classes fill up really fast. In fact, our queen rearing class usually fills up within a few weeks after we open registration. 

Because of the great response to our classes you can choose between two types of classes we offer. We offer „In-House” classes and „Online” classes. In house classes are presented by EAS Certified Master Beekeeper, David Burns. They are held in our training center in Central Illinois just outside of Champaign, Illinois near Catlin, Illinois.  Our online courses are available online as videos, taught by David Burns as well. The online courses can be purchased and watched from the comfort of your home on your own time, anytime.  Here are our 2019 Courses:

2019 IN HOUSE COURSES (Taught At Our Training Center)

Here is the order we recommend:
1.  Basic Beginners Class (We are offering 4 Beginner Classes. Pick the date that’s best for you.)
     Saturday Jan 26, 8am-1pm Click here to sign up now
     Saturday Feb 9, 8am-1pm Click here to sign up now
     Saturday Feb 16, 1pm-6pm Click here to sign up now
     Saturday Mar 9, 1pm-6pm Click here to sign up now
2.  Spring Splits, Swarms and Survival Management
     Saturday Mar 30, 1pm-5pm Click here to sign up now
3.  How To Raise Your Own Queens  *** Fills Up Fast! ***
     Friday May 24, 9am-3pm Click here to sign up now
4.  A Day In The Apiary With David
     Saturday June 8th 8:30am – 11am Click here to sign up now
      Saturday June 29th 8:30am – 11am Click here to sign up now
5.  How To Get Your Bees Through The Winter
     Saturday Sept 7th, 1pm-6pm Click here to sign up now
We are very excited to offer all of the above classes as online courses. We introduced our online courses 9 months ago and hundreds of beekeepers and prospective beekeepers have told us how much they have enjoyed them. Since you can take the classes from home using your tablet, smartphone or computer you save travel time, hotel expense and time off from work. Here’s our courses available online:
Basic Beekeeping: Learn The Fundamentals of Beekeeping
A Day In The Apiary With David
Spring Management: Swarm Control, Making Splits
Queen Rearing: How To Raise Quality Queens
Advanced Beekeeping: A Deeper Approach To Beekeeping
Getting Your Bees Through The Winter
Watch Our Newest YouTube Beekeeping Video

Storing Honey Supers: Part 2

We’ve just created a new video spotlighting many important fall tips such as: Wrapping Hives, Treating For Mites In The Fall, and Storing Honey Supers.
This video also expands how to store honey supers so they will be ready for next spring. Beekeepers make many mistakes leaving their honey supers to be destroyed and unusable next spring. Learn the right way and more. Watch the video by clicking on the link to the left.

Cooler Weather Means Free Shipping On Many Items
Don’t miss out on FREE SHIPPING on items such as:
Long Lane Honey Bee Farms

Źródło: Free Shipping On Many Items And Is Learning Beekeeping On Your Own A Bad Idea?

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