Eszter Anna Vörös (Hungary) for Oldest Trees


We are very pleased to present the work of a young Hungarian artist,  Eszter Anna Vörös, who has kindly replied to our proposition to submit trees-related artwork for publication. Below are photographic reproductions of her original works on canvas (Ancestors) and paper (the other three).

Here’s a statement from the artist herself:

I was born on December 5th, 1990 in the capital of Hungary, Budapest. 
2 years later we moved to a city near Budapest, named Gödöllő and we have been living here ever since.

The story of how I started drawing/painting is rather unusual. I have always had an interest in art, even as a small kid, I attended art competitions – usually with success. I have never learned art as such, though; apart from the standard art classes in elementary school and high school, I have never been taught to draw.
I graduated from ELTE (Eötvös Loránd University of Budapest) in 2014 with a BA degree in English and American studies.

Those 3 years have been significant in my life because it granted me a solid level of English, both written and spoken, and as my final goal with EYCIIR to become international, that is really important to me. EYCIIR, a.k.a. Everything You Can Imagine Is Real, which is a code word (and originally a saying by the famous Pablo Picasso) for my art started one and a half year ago, back in January 2014. By that time, I have not drawn a picture in years; I was somewhat lost and had no goal or direction in my life. 

My very first drawing was inspired by a dream I had; a surreal picture apppeared in my dream, the style already set: black silhouettes in front of white background. It was a toddler on a roof, holding two long-legged black horses which were floating like balloons. 

Ever since then, the ideas are swarming and even though some things have changed (I incorporated colour into my works and started trying out different techniques, such as acrylic on canvas), the style remained the same. Part of my work is created with pastels and pen, others with acrylic and pen. Some on paper, some on canvas, which I really like to work on. 

I got to exhibit for the first time in March 2014, along with other young artists from Hungary. Many more occasions followed, with my first smaller individual exhibition in an Art Pub in Budapest in July 2014, and my first more grandiose individual exhibition in the City Library in my Hometown, Gödöllő, in March 2015. Then, I got the opportunity to exhibit in some surrounding cities as well and in January 2016, I will have the honour of exhibiting in the local House of Arts, cca. 40-50 pictures/paintings of mine.

As I said, my final goal is international fame and exhibitions and traveling the world with my drawings. 

I know it is a tough world out there, especially as an artist, but I aim to be an example that if what you do comes from heart, you can reach out to people all over the world and speak to them through your works. I intend to do what many books and films do – to create an alternate reality, a fantasy world which I can share with those who follow my work and those who have the time and patience to see beneath the colours and forms and find the hidden motifs and emotions behind them.

My main topics are nature, the relationship between human and nature, animals, and basic human emotions like hurt, shame, sadness, melancholy, love, passion and so on.

My pictures also have a slightly spiritual feel to them, a strong connection to an other world; maybe this is why I prefer using the stag and horse motif, because in folklore and mythology they are spirit animals which often know the way to another world and lead people there.

All in all, my aim is to create and captivate – the motto „Everything You Can Imagine Is Real” sums it up perfectly.

Vörös Eszter Anna 

The Lonely Tree

Tree Hugger

The Weeping Willow

Źródło: Eszter Anna Vörös (Hungary) for Oldest Trees

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